
Thursday, March 25, 2004

The snapshot that wasn't.

"We need our photo taken together," said Lenny. "You can stick it up on that journal thing of yours."

Unfortunately, or fortunately, the make-up lady's camera chose that moment to stop working, so I'm not posting a photo here of me and Lenny Henry. He was filming, for his new TV show, a rock video sequence in which he plays, er, Beyonce Knowles.

We were in a Guinness Brewery, and the air was filled with the smell of Guinness ingredients cooking.

I've known Lenny for many, many years. He's about six foot three, heterosexual, and normally wears nothing more extreme than occasional eye-dazzling Oswald Boateng suits. Seeing him in full Beyonce make-up and wig, not to mention padding, expressing his female side, was one of the oddest things that happened today. There were other odd things that happened today, but that was the oddest. It's going to be a very funny video...

A good day's WOLVES work, too.