
About  |  Contributors

Described by Neil as "moderator of the forums and possessor of a collection of my stuff that rivals the one in my attic," Shield was a much beloved moderator of the Message Boards and maintains the brilliant

Amy, one of our valued Message Board moderators, is a South Florida librarian who likes pie.

Jim/Dweller In Darkness
Jim, also a moderator, says he doesn't need a bio or link listed, but we wanted to be sure to thank him here anyway.

Nightwalker kept the domain safe for several years until Neil was ready to use it.

Cindy Lynn Speer
Cindy is a long time Gaiman reader and a wonderful book reviewer. She has written the three essays in our Cool Stuff section. Visit her official site,

The Web Elf
The web elf has written copy for the site, designed things such as the Oracular Orb, and made the occasional guest post.

The mighty Web Goblin
The mighty web goblin lurks about fixing things behind the scenes, answering Site Inquiries, and developing new toys. His professional site may be found at

Deena Warner
The current site design is by Deena Warner Design.